Prof. Portinaro is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and examins in particular children under 16 years old.

He has also a wide experience with adult patients in particular regarding sport-related diseases, posture-related diseases and neurological disorders.

International patients are welcome to ask for Prof. Portinaro’s  Professional Advice or to make an appointment in his offices in Italy.

Dealing with paediatric patients is extremely complex. It requires noPatient resourses for childrent only the presence of highly specialized medical and paramedical personnel, but also other structures specifically designed and equipped to host and “entertain” this kind of patient.
It must be said, anyway, that young patients has a quicker resilience and, in absence of major associated diseases, their hospitalization is drastically reduced in comparison to the one of adult patients.

For more information on Prof. Portinaro’s approach, you can read this blog:
Outpatient surgery at Humanitas Research Hospital. An innovative process designed by Prof. Portinaro and his team to be exported all over the world.

Prof. Portinaro examines and performs surgeries also on adult patients with particular reference to: neuro orthopedic diseases with stroke outcomes, cerebral vascular accesses, genetic diseases, cerebral palsy with lower and upper limb deformities, outcomes of peripheral and spinal nerve lesions.
Functional surgery is indeed performed to improve gait and range of motions of upper limbs.
The treatment is performed with minimally invasive surgery and very short hospitalization times that allow patients to immediately start rehabilitation.

Prof. Portinaro also examines and treats adults with sport-related conditions such as  Dislocated Shoulder, ACL injury, aging-associated diseases such as osteoarthritis that needs major joint replacement (shoulder, hip, knee and ankle) or posture diseases such as Scoliosis.

Prof Portinaro International Patients Medical TourismProfessor Portinaro can examine international patients in his Italian offices, both in Northern and Southern Italy.
Here are the contact details to book an appointment.

For medical care within Italy, you may need a Visa, depending on your country of origin.
For more information, you can visit the link: Visa For Italy

If you live outside Italy it is possible to request a professional opinion online.

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