Born in Milan, in 1963, he is married with Chiara and father of three girls: Cecilia, Camilla, and Carlotta.

  • In 1989 he graduated from Medical School (cum laude) at University of Milan, Italy
  • In 1994 he took a Specialization in Orthopaedics and Traumatology (70/70)
  • In 1996 he took a Master of Science by Research (MScR)degree from University of Oxford, UK.
  • From 2000 he is Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Ed), Edinburgh, UK
Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeons Fellowship

He started his career in 1990 at the Orthopedic Clinic of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. A few years later, he moved to England where he became a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford in the Orthopaedic Paediatric Department at Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. There he received funding for a PhD, internationally recognized as the highest academic qualification for research.

He was only 34 years old when he became Head of the Orthopedic Pediatric and Traumatology Department at Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children. At the same time he became Associate Professor at the University of Bristol.

After 10 years of experience in England, in 2001 he decided to return to Italy where he wanted to establish a pioneering center in the field of Pediatric Orthopedics, with particular attention to children’s disabilities.
Humanitas Research Hospital gave him this opportunity and he founded the Operative Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Neuro-Orthopedics, of which he is still in chief.

Prof. Portinaro is also the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Ariel, a non-profit organization, which he founded in 2003. Fondazione Ariel provides guidance and support services for families with children affected by Cerebral Palsy and other neuromotor disabilities. It also promotes research projects to develop knowledge and discover new treatments for childhood neuromotor disorders.

In 2010 the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano chose him as director of the Orthopedic Departiment at Humanitas Research Center, where he also became scientific-didactic coordinator of the entire orthopedic area. Taking advantage of his experience in England he set up a model of faculty that allows students in Medicine and Surgery to receive the most up-to-date and relevant teachings, thanks to the collaboration of international surgeons specialized in different Branches of Orthopedics.

Since November 2022, he has been Senior Consultant of Pediatric Neuro-Orthopedics at FONDAZIONE IRCCS CA’ GRANDA OSPEDALE MAGGIORE POLICLINICO (Milan) and Consultant of Pediatric Orthopedics and Neuro-Orthopedics at HUMANITAS RESEARCH  HOSPITAL (Rozzano, Milan).

In the last years Saudi German Hospital invited Prof. Portinaro to its International Visiting Professor program in Saudi Arabia. He has held this position since August 2023.

About Prof. Nicola Portinaro pediatric orthopedic

Diseases treated by Prof. Portinaro

Discover more about prof. Portinaro's research and teaching activity



Prof. Portinaro has a long-standing experience in orthopedics and traumatology. He primarily deals with pediatric patients but he can also examine and treat adults patients.
International patients and cooperation with other clinics are more than welcome.


Prof. Portinaro and his team have been doing scientific research since 2003 to improve the understanding neuromotor disorders in pediatric patients.
Follow these links to discover more about his research activities and publications.


Prof. Portinaro is director of the Orthopedic Clinic at the University of Milan.
He teaches at the Orthopedics and Traumatology course at the International Medical School of Milan, Faculty of Medicine.

He is also available for University lectures and teaching in the operating room.

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Prof. Portinaro can examine patients in Italy (Milan, Taranto, Crotone)

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Prof. Portinaro is willing to work with clinics and professionals worldwide