Saudi German hospital Webinar Cerebral Palsy Portinaro

Cerebral Palsy Prof Portinaro Webinar for Saudi German Hospital

Early and Late surgeries in Cerebral Palsy – Prof. Portinaro’s lecture for Saudi German Hospital

I am very pleased to share the lecture I gave for the Saudi German Hospitals Group about Early and Late Surgery in Cerebral Palsy.

The video is available on YouTube at this link:



It was an honor to share my experience with doctors from different SGH locations and answer their questions.


The webinar was attended by: 

  • Dr. Ahmed Taha Hadrawi – Orthopedic Consultant – Saudi German Hospital Jeddah
  • Dr. Ibrahim Asseri – Consultant Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon – SGH Riyadh 
  • Dr. Amr ELBatouty – MD. – Senior Registrar Pediatric Orthopedic – SHG Cairo

You can request at anytime a Professional Medical Advice from Prof. Portinaro or book an orthopaedic examination in one of his clinics throughout Italy.

Il Professor Portinaro è un chirurgo ortopedico pediatrico tra i massimi esperti, in particolare, per la cura di problemi ortopedici di anche, piedi, ginocchia e per tutte le patologie neuro ortopediche. È Senior Consultant di Ortopedia e Neuro-Ortopedia pediatrica presso la FONDAZIONE IRCCS CA’ GRANDA OSPEDALE MAGGIORE POLICLINICO e presso l’Humanitas Research Hospital. È inoltre e professore di Ortopedia e Traumatologia presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.

